Welcome to my personal website.

Hi ! my name is Thomas Mastomo.
I’m a musician, guitarist, and I live in Paris, 20th district, France.

As far as I can remember.

Music has always played a central role in my life. My mother had stuck me and my brothers with piano lessons from a very young age. Tender childhood memories on an upright piano roughly tuned with a few unplayable keys.

At the same time, my father was playing guitar with a repertoire including Brassens, Barbara, Frederik Mey but also his own compositions. 

Since then, I can’t imagine a place to live without instruments.

Mastomo Paris 2024
Paris 20ème © Maya Fontaine

Training and collaborations.

It is then at the conservatory of Fontenay aux roses, my hometown, that I learned the basics of music. 
Then at the American School of Modern Music (Paris 15e), from which I graduated, where I consolidated my learning.

Over the past decade, I have been fortunate to collaborate with many musicians and singers who have greatly contributed to my musical development.
To name a few and in alphabetical order: Alice RabesBastien Lucas, David Courtin, Elise Berthelier, Flo Zink, Ici et lui, Monsieur Lune

About the musical style.

I would define my ideal discotheque according to my discoveries that are associated with the times crossed. In chronological order, it would give something like this: The French song with Renaud at the same time as the rock with the Beatles. The fascination of guitar solos with Dire Straits. Punk rock and hot concerts with the Béruriers Noirs at the same time as the discovery of jazz with Charlie Parker. Then, Jamaican music with Desmond Dekker at the same time as hip-hop with IAM and NTM. Electronic music with FG radio.  Finally, poetry with Leonard Cohen.

I keep from all these musical encounters an idea deeply rooted in me: all styles have a strong interest and convey each in its own way the emotions that shape us.

I can't, I gotta go to the swimming pool.

Outside of music, I really enjoy playing a little bit of sports. On the whole, I have always been pretty bad at just about every sport. But that never stopped me from enjoying it. 

These last years, it is with skateboarding that I like to let off steam. But also with the big bike rides. Preferably on an old bike, I love tinkering with old bikes !

Mastomo - Savigny 2024
L'Empreinte, Savigny le Temple © Gael Derdeyn